• رمز السلعة: MMRK1064

فوكالويد: حلويات حلوة هاتسون ميكو ماتشا بارفيه الشاي الأخضر

189.00 AED (متضمن للضريبة)


Product Description

FuRyu is proud to introduce a new Hatsune Miku figure to add to your collection! Dressed in her server clothes, her outfit shows off the vivid colors of one of her favorite snacks: a green tea parfait! Order yours today!

Product Features

  • 7.87 inches (20cm)
  • Made of PVC, ABS
  • Based on the Hatsune Miku character
  • Highly detailed
  • Non-articulated

Box Contents

  • Hatsune Miku figure


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