• رمز السلعة: MMRK0208

كاب بي تي اس 1

49.50 AED (متضمن للضريبة)

BTS, also known as the Bangtan Boys, is a South Korean boy band formed in 2010. If you're their fan or like KPop in general and you want to show it off with what you wear, look no further, because we got you covered!

Our hats are made of breathable, high-quality polyester and can be worn by both men & women, and don't worry, one size fits all! Check them out now.

كن صاحب أول تقييم “كاب بي تي اس 1”

لن يتم نشر بريدك الالكتروني. الخانات المطلوبة معينة بعلامة النجمة *

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